Tuesday, 6 March 2012

For the love of it...

I consider cooking so much as a hobby, I even listed it on my CV. I cook passionately, because I enjoy preparing a dish / meal and look forward to the enjoyment of it. Some people can't cook to save their lives, others dread the idea of it and there's people like me who find a sense of relaxation in it. Preparing grills, stews, curries, pastas (and sometimes baking of different kinds of breads) allows me to unwind after a stressful day. (Hopefully my passion for cooking won't one day reflect on my hips). I'm definitely considering to study chef and food preparation and one day somehow incorporate it with my Public Relations qualification.

1 comment:

  1. Juday I am so happy to find your blog. This post is so true to who you are. I've tasted your cooking and like I've said before, it reminds me of my happiest moments as a child.
