Friday 8 June 2012

How do you eat an elephant?...

It's simple, one bite at a time! Huge life challenging situations should not cause distress in fear of not overcoming them. But should rather be viewed as manageable. I consider my Btech in Public Relations as my "elephant". It's June already, I still have a long way to go, but I have come a long way too and  have eaten half way through my "elephant".

Every day is a good day...

Every new day is a blessing from God! We tend to become so wrapped up in our lives, we don't seem to express gratitude for each new day. Start off everyday by thanking God for health, your family and friends, your employment, for him taking care of you. If you start off your day by counting your blessings, and reminding yourself how fortunate you are, every day will be a good day.

Learning is full of mistakes, none of them fatal - Marian Pike....

Very wise words from my lecturer, words which I'll carry with me on my life's journey. And one day I'll sound very wise sharing these wise words with my kids. Learning is a process! It is believed that we tend to learn from our mistakes. Making a mistake, often enough, does not result in death. You will live to tell the tale. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses...

In June 2001, Mrs Adams, register and English teacher commented on our strengths and weaknesses in our report cards. This particular report card was used to apply at prospective high schools. I can't remember what she noted as my strength. But I can clearly recall what she wrote as my weakness. The report card stated that "Judy tends to be too talkative". Today I laugh hysterically at her comment and view being talkative (talking sense that is) as a strength.