Sunday 30 September 2012

Common misconception of PR poppies…


Females are not taken seriously enough in the industry, yet they are equipped with a variety of skills. They are regarded as “poppies”, as if to suggest that they are merely around to look good and can’t provide the valuable insight  required for the profession. This inspires me to,  want to greatly contribute to the profession of Public Relations by assisting to eliminate the misconception and create a positive perception of the industry.

100 things I want to do before I die…


Before I die, I would like to do so many things. Some things I haven’t even decided on yet. But when I die I would like to know that I have lived a fruitful life. There are many things I’d like to explore and discover. Limiting myself to 100 just isn’t fair. But the number one activity on my bucket list is to visit Jamaica.  

What I wish I had done differently…


I wish I had studied directly after school! Fair enough, the two years of working made me more focused as a student to commence and successfully complete my studies. However the two years, gap year delayed my life. If I had commenced studying directly after school, I would’ve been finished with my studies by now.

What is the difference between existing and living?...

To exist is to conform and to be compliant to with society’s norms and expectations and to simply just be. Whereas living has to do with doing with makes you happy. Accepting not to conform to conventional expectations of society.  If society was the parent, existing is the obedient child and living would be considered the rebel.


The first time my heart was broken...

I will NEVER  forget the tormenting pain I experienced when I got my heart broken for the first time. Never in my life have I felt such an indescribable pain. When my long-term relationship ended in 2007, I rebelled against my world and went on a path of self-discovery. During the process, I eventually learned to let go…

My big fat dream....

My big fat dream is to win a couple of million rands and spend as much as I can the first week after winning the money. The aim is to “gaan bos” before financial advisory. I would to tour all nine provinces of South Africa with all my closest friends. Having parties on yachts, jumping on a plane whenever, staying at the best hotels and resorts, shopping for designer outfits as we go along. After this crazy week, would I then start investing money and donating money to charity organisations.

Somebody has to say it…


Construction criticism is the best way to develop and grow as an expert, in any field. The mentors selected to guide us, should by all means, sometime say it like it is in order to stimulate growth . Although it’s in your best interest to receive constructive criticism, it is not always easy being analysed all the time.

What would you do if you knew nobody was watching?...


I would pull a prank on someone. Similar to a Leon Schuster movie. I would hide hidden cameras and lure a friend to the designated area and record the prank. I think it will be humorous to see my friend’s reaction of the premeditated prank. When nobody is watching, it provides me with motive to pull a prank.

My three favourite words and why...


My three words are not commonly or frequently used. I use these words in social situations to sound a little smarter than usual (lol)

1st word:  Utopia - An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.

2nd word:  Adorn - To increase the beauty

3rd word:  Zest - Invigorating or keen excitement or enjoyment.

Conventional is a good fall back...

I am very fortunate to grow up in a generation which cultivates technology for sustainable living. All the new forms or methods of communication can never substitute actual human interaction. Conforming to socially accepted standards is the only alternative used to remind  us that we are human and that no amount of new technology can ever replace that.

Judy has been a bad blogger…


I haven’t posted any blog posts in several weeks. I was a bit self-conscious of my writing. But then I realised…writing is what I do! I have always enjoyed writing. I suppose all the structured academic writing made me reluctant to write. For a moment there, I lost my “voice”. Getting up to date with my blog posts made me realise just how much I missed my writing style and how much I enjoy it.

You can't chase two rabbits at the same time...

Having big (realistic) dreams for your life is essential for stimulating ambition, inspiration, dedication and motivation. Achieving your dreams requires limited distractions. Aspiring to accomplish two of your biggest dreams simultaneously, may result in unfavourable consequences for your life plan. Never limit your capabilities but also don’t comprise your success to get “things” done faster.

Friday 10 August 2012


Whatever your situation, remember…there are always things to grateful for and that there are people in worst situations. Breathe! Keep moving forward! Don’t stagnate in your situation!  Remind yourself that have ability to change your situation…Remain level headed and show appreciation to those who assist make your situation more pleasurable.

Nothing more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea...

I’m the type of person that effectively plans a schedule and often ideas distract me from it. The key task is to minimise distracting ideas in order to remain on schedule with what needs to be done. This is can be done by reminding oneself what is more important and directing focus on getting it done.

Just when I think I’m done…

Initially my aim was just to complete my National Diploma. Towards the end of the obtaining my qualification, I decided to persevere and do my Btech (Degree). As daunting as the process has been, it has inspired me to commit myself to lifelong learning. I intend to gain some work experience and then explore other avenues using my qualification as a foundation for further learning.

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Last year, I arranged an exhibition and an event around mental illness month. From the research conducted, I realised that not many people are aware of mental illnesses and that mental illnesses are misunderstood. Many serious implications result when mental illnesses go untreated. Mental illness patients don’t fake the symptoms of their conditions. They simply just cannot help feeling or behaving the way they do.

How I overcome challenges…

How one deals with challenges, will determine how one will overcome those challenges. I view all challenges (whether personally or professionally) as opportunities. An opportunity to learn and gain experience for making better informed decisions in the future. I commit myself to the challenge at hand then focus and consider all the alternatives necessary for successfully overcoming challenges. Perseverance is the key attribute.

I am...


Who I am has no significance to you, if you are not willing to make the time to get to me. My true self is manifested when artificial politeness becomes transparent in another person and/or when true sincerity is apparent. I am critical and very analytical by nature and experience has taught me not to share too much of myself.

Andy Warhol "In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes." You can't choose the minutes but why would you be world famous?


I value friendship...


Unlike family, one can choose one’s friends. Throughout my life I formed many friendships. To me friendship is about quality and not quantity. I chose to have true friends opposed to having many fake friends. Because I value the essence of friendship, I love and treat my friends like family.

A skill set called leadership...


No one was born a leader. Skills need to be cultivated and need to be fully developed to be successful and one needs to work hard to be a good leader. stated that there is no scientific dat that shows people are 'born leaders". I too believe that it is a skill that is acquired through endurance.

Tupac and Biggy Smalls feud...

Rap music grew popularity in the 1990's. Growing up in the 90's I was fimilar with Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls' music. Although they died, I never really understood their feud. And I always wondered, what happened. explained the feud:  The two rappers slandered one another with increasing viciousness and frequency. An East coast - West coast feud developed pitting Tupac's record label against Biggie's record label. The feud eventually escalated from a battle of word to a bloody war. In seperate incidents both men were shot multiple times while sitting in front passenger seats of their vehicles.

"Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read" (Frank Zappa)

Before writing this blog post,  I had no idea rock journalism even existed. I then researched the topic. I myself, am not a fan of rock music, nor would I find it interesting write about something that doesn’t interest me. The statement itself is self-explanatory. Journalist are writers. Rock journalists can’t write nor can they interview rock musicians because all they do is make noise.

Nelson Mandela's 94th Birthday

Nelson Mandela is recognised as a renowned champion of racial justice. He transformed South Africa and has been an inspiration for millions. On the 18 July 2012 the world celebrated Nelson Mandela's 94th. Birthday wishes flocked in from world leaders and nationally individuals dedicated 67 minutes to assisting those less priveledged. Nelson Mandela truly inspires one to want to assist in changing the world and making it a better place.

"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination" Nelson Mandela

Friday 6 July 2012

Natural hair...

The other evening on 3rd degree Debra Patta covered the topic of natural hair versus weaves. I found the topic very interesting. I personally don’t have a problem with people choosing to wear weaves, but I would rather encourage individuals to embrace their natural hair. I love and embrace my natural brown curly hair. I refuse to become influenced about what is socially acceptable when it comes to hair.

My 200 top achievements...

Conversation starter: Global warming...


In first year of studies, I was obliged to watch Al Gore’s An inconvenient truth as part of an assignment. And honestly….All the bar graphs, statistical information and predications estimating all the malfunctions the world may encounter…Freaked me out! The reality is that it’s happening and we all need to do our bit to slow down the process. Go green!!!

What motivates me....


My mother’s passion, hard work and dedication not only motivate me but also inspire me to persevere in order to achieve my goals. My mother studied to become a nurse in the 1970’s, during the Apartheid era. She had it tough studying and facing the adversity of the country’s political system at the time. Yet she pursued her career and today she is internationally qualified in her field. She motivates and inspires me to always do my best.
                                           The harder the challenge, the sweeter the victory!

So proud of Charlize Theron...


Every time I see a Charlize Theron movie on the South African movie circuit, makes me feel more and more proudly South African.
Charlize grew up on a farm in Bernoni, Johannesbury, South Africa. At the age of 18, she went to Los Angeles to try a career in the movie industry. Her first role was a young mother in a park in a B-film in 1995. But it was a non-speaking role with three seconds of screen time. February 29, 2004, she was awarded with her first academy award for her performance in Monster (a movie).
Her success abroad is truly an inspiration to me. Allowing me to believe that one can make anything happen if you believe in yourself and work hard at your dream. Well done Charlize!!!

10 unexpected consequences of being online...


I could name plenty of unexpected consequences of being online. But I would have to say the most unexpected consequence is having your future employer or boss view your very social pictures of the weekend you had. These days, the future employer has access to get to know a prospective employee beyond the first impression at the interview. Your projected social network identity may just cost you, your dream job. Be aware of this! Develop social media etiquette.

Why I should stop smoking...

I’ve been an active smoker for nine years. Yes, nine long years of my life. I knew the dangers of smoking when I started. And I have not tried to quit since. It’s an expensive habit. I ‘ve come to realize exactly how harmful it is to my health after reading

·         If their increased risk of cancer, heart disease and other ills isn't enough, smokers may be persuaded by simple vanity to kick the habit.
·         In South Africa, seven million people smoke, 80% have tried to quit at least once and 90% of people started smoking before the age of 18. Here's how it affects your heart health.
·         People who smoke cigarettes for 20 years or more are about 40 percent more likely to die of colon cancer
·         Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body and causes far more diseases than once believed, the top US health official said Thursday.
·         Smoking is not usually associated with breast cancer, but women who have smoked heavily for years may have a greater risk of developing the disease.
·         Smoking doesn't just raise the risk of pancreatic cancer, it radically accelerates the onset of the highly virulent tumours in patients who have a rare inherited disorder
·         Smokers already worried about their risks for cancer and heart disease now have another reason to quit: Tobacco may raise the risk for type 2 diabetes, say two new studies.
·         The more you smoke, the higher your risk of one type of skin cancer, report scientists from the Netherlands.
·         Smoking during pregnancy could reduce the fertility of baby boys when they grow up. Sons of women who smoked also have smaller testes.
·         If you smoke and you're expecting a baby, expect to spend a lot more sleepless nights in the nursery.
·         Smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancers. The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) has organised a No Tobacco Radiothon to encourage smokers to kick the habit.
·         Although smokers tend to be thinner, the effect of smoking on the endocrine system (glands which secrete hormones) often results in the abnormal distribution of body fat
·         Because smoking restricts blood flow, it is a major cause of coronary heart disease and stroke.
·         Neurological experts stress that although nicotine stimulates the central nervous system, providing a temporary rush, it is unlikely to improve the way the mind functions.
·         Smoking increases the risk for gum disease, a condition that destroys the supporting tissue of the teeth. This can cause tooth loss; smokers are twice as likely to lose teeth.
·         When a pregnant woman smokes, so does her baby. Carbon monoxide and nicotine are transferred from mother to baby, leading to lower levels of oxygen intake and a higher pulse rate
·         Smoking accelerates the natural ageing processes, which is most apparent in the facial skin.
·         Smoking increases your chances of becoming blind due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by up to four times.
·         In addition to lung cancer, smoking can cause or worsen other lung conditions, particularly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema
·         Many smokers who undergo serious operations take longer than other people do to recover.
I think it’s time I kicked the habit!!!


elephant in the room...

I am proudly South African.  One of the main reasons being, our peaceful transition from the horrors of apartheid to a new South Africa. We have a constitution which is second to none.  However, eighteen years into our democracy, race is still the elephant in the room. We try to make as if it doesn’t matter but it’s there, we put people in boxes which they don’t belong because of a way of thinking which was entrenched during apartheid.
 People were desensitized by apartheid and are not fully aware of its true effect on majority of South Africans as pointed out by Alistair McKay’s article  in the City Press (  What is required to remove this elephant is for everyone to understand our history and to put things and people into context.
This requires a bit of work on our part as citizens, (government cannot change our mind sets). Instead of stereotyping we need to get to know our fellow South Africans, their stories and their journeys. In understanding and sharing we really become the rainbow nation celebrating our differences, embracing the spirit of ubuntu and all that is beautiful about South African people.

Friday 8 June 2012

How do you eat an elephant?...

It's simple, one bite at a time! Huge life challenging situations should not cause distress in fear of not overcoming them. But should rather be viewed as manageable. I consider my Btech in Public Relations as my "elephant". It's June already, I still have a long way to go, but I have come a long way too and  have eaten half way through my "elephant".

Every day is a good day...

Every new day is a blessing from God! We tend to become so wrapped up in our lives, we don't seem to express gratitude for each new day. Start off everyday by thanking God for health, your family and friends, your employment, for him taking care of you. If you start off your day by counting your blessings, and reminding yourself how fortunate you are, every day will be a good day.

Learning is full of mistakes, none of them fatal - Marian Pike....

Very wise words from my lecturer, words which I'll carry with me on my life's journey. And one day I'll sound very wise sharing these wise words with my kids. Learning is a process! It is believed that we tend to learn from our mistakes. Making a mistake, often enough, does not result in death. You will live to tell the tale. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses...

In June 2001, Mrs Adams, register and English teacher commented on our strengths and weaknesses in our report cards. This particular report card was used to apply at prospective high schools. I can't remember what she noted as my strength. But I can clearly recall what she wrote as my weakness. The report card stated that "Judy tends to be too talkative". Today I laugh hysterically at her comment and view being talkative (talking sense that is) as a strength.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

What happened to OJ Simpson?....

Back in the 90’s I saw and heard a lot about OJ Simpson and the murder trials on the television and radio. The other day I was watching a sitcom and a joke of OJ Simpson was made. And I wondered to myself, whatever happened to him. I little background, or refreshing of memory. In 1994 OJ Simpson, former athlete was arrested and charged for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson, his wife and Ronald Goldman, a friend. The trial proceedings, including custody for his kids lasted about five years. In 1999 he walked away a free man and became infamous for the trial. Today Simpson is serving a 15 year sentence for kidnapping and armed robbery at Lovelock Correctional Center  in Lovelock, Nevada.

Try a cliché...


I got lost in the web, whilst searching for a cliché. I stumble upon a blog called Life document – What matters most? A very inspirational blog, I found it very intriguing, it caught my attention for a while. One blog post in particular stood out for me “Persevere”- Another Cliché?  One quote that stood out for me of the blog post, “To prove that I can, and despite my condition, I will”. It was definitely worth the read.


One of my greatest experiences...


A couple of months ago I went on a hike and made it to the top of Lion’s Head. It was the first time I hiked. It was a challenging yet a rewarding activity and experience. On the trail I witnessed a breath taking 360 degree view of the peninsula. I also got to see a wide range of natural fynbos, and a variety of small animals.

   In the 17th century, the Dutch called the mountain “Leeu Kop”, which means Lion’s head. The mountain is 2195 feet high ( And I made it to the top!  It is a fun activity and not too challenging for beginners. It truly was an adventurous experience.

(Me at the top of Lion of Lion's Head)

Feelings follow behaviour


When it comes to work related issues, one should always remain professional. This can be difficult at times, we are all human. But the working environment requires a professional etiquette, emotions and emotional behaviour may lead to unprofessionalism. In my opinion, deal with your “feelings” at home and get the job done effectively! Don’t allow personal issues, to question your professionalism.

Friday 11 May 2012

I need a holiday...

( loveyourlifechallenge.blogspot)
The past couple months, my life consisted of nothing other than deadlines. DEADLINES, DEADLINES and yes more DEADLINES! There was an enormous amount of pressure to meet those deadlines, beinga  4th year student and all, and handing work of a good standard. It’s been all work and no play.  For the period between 15 June 2012 and 23 July 2012, I will be taking a well-deserved rest period….Oh yeah!!!!

It’s better to practice a little than to talk a lot …

It’s no secret that in 2009 Caster Semenya was faced with many gender disputes regarding her athletic career. She eventually was formally confirmed a female. I can only imagine how overwhelming it must’ve been to live under a microscope, being viewed by the whole world. Yet she didn’t speak much about the experience. Caster Semenya is blessed with an amazing natural talent, which doesn’t require her to practice much. Her performance on the racing track speaks for itself.


9 September 2010 Caster Semenya won the 800m at the Notturna di Milano meet in Milan. She finished in 1 minute, 58:16 seconds, her best time since being declared to run after everyone could finally agree that she’s female.

Friday 4 May 2012

Love at first smell…


The first moment I stepped into the Eastern Bazaar restaurant…I feel in love! Not just with the exotic aromas of Indian cuisine, but also of the beautiful scenery and the lively atmosphere. The food is absolutely delicious, and inexpensive (ideal for a student’s budget).  You haven’t experienced a true Cape Town experience, if you haven’t visited it before.

Go check it out - 96 Longmarket Street, Cape Town Central.

Wedding cake in the middle of the road…

No cake, no wedding. I suppose the wedding is off! Often times, enough, people tend to get married for the “wedding day”. For all the glitz and glamour associated involved for that one specific day. Less focus is directed on the actual union of marriage. And people end up in miserable marriages, with partners whom they cannot tolerate. Personally, I consider marriage as a sacred union between a man and woman, joint together before God. It should be entered to lightly.

 About 50% of marriages in many countries end in divorce. The important question is why so many marriages fail? An important reason for relationship failure is the discovery that there is a difference between the assumed similarities and actual similarities Mynhardt, J.C., Baron, R.A., Branscombe, N.R., & Byrne, D. (2009).

Friday 27 April 2012

I Did It...

A great accomplishment!  Throughout my life I achieved many goals ranging from being selected to be a prefect at school, obtaining my driver’s license etc.  But to date, my National Diploma is thee greatest accomplishment yet. The past three years was an uphill battle, but with perseverance and  God’s grace, I pulled through. Hard work really does pay off.

                    “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance”

Its a poor idea to lie to yourself...

To lie to yourself, means living in denial. By not accepting or coming to terms with situations as they are, lying to yourself often seems easier than accepting the truth. But in reality it causes more harm to your wellbeing.  Eventually you end up believing your lies and find it hard to distinguish between reality and false truth. Whenever you consider that you might be lying to yourself , for whatever reason. Make reference to the Serenity prayer. Lying to yourself is toxic.


Friday 20 April 2012

Being the middle child....

I am the middle child of three. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Many times I've heard of the so called "middle child syndrome", so I decide to read up on the topic. Amusingly enough middle child syndrome is a disorder that affects the middle children because of the lack of attention they suffer from at their early years (

I however love the following charateristic of middle born child / children.

* They are very artistic

* If forced to use abilities they will work well

* The best career move for middle child would be along the lines of using their creativity. Going into writing or journalism career (
Very ironic...
