Friday 27 April 2012

I Did It...

A great accomplishment!  Throughout my life I achieved many goals ranging from being selected to be a prefect at school, obtaining my driver’s license etc.  But to date, my National Diploma is thee greatest accomplishment yet. The past three years was an uphill battle, but with perseverance and  God’s grace, I pulled through. Hard work really does pay off.

                    “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance”

Its a poor idea to lie to yourself...

To lie to yourself, means living in denial. By not accepting or coming to terms with situations as they are, lying to yourself often seems easier than accepting the truth. But in reality it causes more harm to your wellbeing.  Eventually you end up believing your lies and find it hard to distinguish between reality and false truth. Whenever you consider that you might be lying to yourself , for whatever reason. Make reference to the Serenity prayer. Lying to yourself is toxic.


Friday 20 April 2012

Being the middle child....

I am the middle child of three. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Many times I've heard of the so called "middle child syndrome", so I decide to read up on the topic. Amusingly enough middle child syndrome is a disorder that affects the middle children because of the lack of attention they suffer from at their early years (

I however love the following charateristic of middle born child / children.

* They are very artistic

* If forced to use abilities they will work well

* The best career move for middle child would be along the lines of using their creativity. Going into writing or journalism career (
Very ironic...


Wednesday 11 April 2012

The sound of one hand clapping...

Makes me wonder of what it must be like to become a stand-up comedian.  I can only imagine. Besides wanting hear laughter, you also like to hear a round of applause after you gave the punch line of the joke. Let me not forget to mention, not wanting to receive a boo from your audience. But being funny comes with the job description. People can be very cruel and will slaughter you up on that stage. And once the joke has been told, there’s complete, dead silence and then you hear that one hand clapping. Embarrassing!

Not all who wander are lost…

Sometimes we should take a detour to make discoveries. The great explorer Christopher Columbus thought he was lost and made a great discovery about the world being round shaped.  Sometimes we should loose ourselves to find a better self, within. On the path of self-discovery it’s good to wander, but not to get entirely lost. Think about it, food for thought.

You only live once…


So why not do what you must or do what you can to live to the best of your ability. Common sense has led me to want to live life to the fullest. In my spare time I love to read up on philosophy… you know the type of things that leads one to question life.  And it has led me to this question:  What is living a fulfilled life? The area you stay in?, The car you drive?, What school your kids goes to?,The people you are associated with? I suppose we all want a comfort lifestyle, but at the expense of our wellbeing?  Let’s look at the bright side of life, Always! Try new things and do better… discover who you were truly meant to be, even if it takes a lifetime.