Tuesday 29 May 2012

What happened to OJ Simpson?....

Back in the 90’s I saw and heard a lot about OJ Simpson and the murder trials on the television and radio. The other day I was watching a sitcom and a joke of OJ Simpson was made. And I wondered to myself, whatever happened to him. I little background, or refreshing of memory. In 1994 OJ Simpson, former athlete was arrested and charged for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson, his wife and Ronald Goldman, a friend. The trial proceedings, including custody for his kids lasted about five years. In 1999 he walked away a free man and became infamous for the trial. Today Simpson is serving a 15 year sentence for kidnapping and armed robbery at Lovelock Correctional Center  in Lovelock, Nevada.

Try a cliché...


I got lost in the web, whilst searching for a cliché. I stumble upon a blog called Life document – What matters most? A very inspirational blog, I found it very intriguing, it caught my attention for a while. One blog post in particular stood out for me “Persevere”- Another Cliché?  One quote that stood out for me of the blog post, “To prove that I can, and despite my condition, I will”. It was definitely worth the read.

 Read more at http://lifedocument.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/persevere-not-just-another-cliche/

One of my greatest experiences...


A couple of months ago I went on a hike and made it to the top of Lion’s Head. It was the first time I hiked. It was a challenging yet a rewarding activity and experience. On the trail I witnessed a breath taking 360 degree view of the peninsula. I also got to see a wide range of natural fynbos, and a variety of small animals.

   In the 17th century, the Dutch called the mountain “Leeu Kop”, which means Lion’s head. The mountain is 2195 feet high (www.search-capetown.com). And I made it to the top!  It is a fun activity and not too challenging for beginners. It truly was an adventurous experience.

(Me at the top of Lion of Lion's Head)

Feelings follow behaviour


When it comes to work related issues, one should always remain professional. This can be difficult at times, we are all human. But the working environment requires a professional etiquette, emotions and emotional behaviour may lead to unprofessionalism. In my opinion, deal with your “feelings” at home and get the job done effectively! Don’t allow personal issues, to question your professionalism.

Friday 11 May 2012

I need a holiday...

( loveyourlifechallenge.blogspot)
The past couple months, my life consisted of nothing other than deadlines. DEADLINES, DEADLINES and yes more DEADLINES! There was an enormous amount of pressure to meet those deadlines, beinga  4th year student and all, and handing work of a good standard. It’s been all work and no play.  For the period between 15 June 2012 and 23 July 2012, I will be taking a well-deserved rest period….Oh yeah!!!!

It’s better to practice a little than to talk a lot …

It’s no secret that in 2009 Caster Semenya was faced with many gender disputes regarding her athletic career. She eventually was formally confirmed a female. I can only imagine how overwhelming it must’ve been to live under a microscope, being viewed by the whole world. Yet she didn’t speak much about the experience. Caster Semenya is blessed with an amazing natural talent, which doesn’t require her to practice much. Her performance on the racing track speaks for itself.


9 September 2010 Caster Semenya won the 800m at the Notturna di Milano meet in Milan. She finished in 1 minute, 58:16 seconds, her best time since being declared to run after everyone could finally agree that she’s female.

Friday 4 May 2012

Love at first smell…


The first moment I stepped into the Eastern Bazaar restaurant…I feel in love! Not just with the exotic aromas of Indian cuisine, but also of the beautiful scenery and the lively atmosphere. The food is absolutely delicious, and inexpensive (ideal for a student’s budget).  You haven’t experienced a true Cape Town experience, if you haven’t visited it before.

Go check it out - 96 Longmarket Street, Cape Town Central.

Wedding cake in the middle of the road…

No cake, no wedding. I suppose the wedding is off! Often times, enough, people tend to get married for the “wedding day”. For all the glitz and glamour associated involved for that one specific day. Less focus is directed on the actual union of marriage. And people end up in miserable marriages, with partners whom they cannot tolerate. Personally, I consider marriage as a sacred union between a man and woman, joint together before God. It should be entered to lightly.

 About 50% of marriages in many countries end in divorce. The important question is why so many marriages fail? An important reason for relationship failure is the discovery that there is a difference between the assumed similarities and actual similarities Mynhardt, J.C., Baron, R.A., Branscombe, N.R., & Byrne, D. (2009).