Sunday 30 September 2012

Common misconception of PR poppies…


Females are not taken seriously enough in the industry, yet they are equipped with a variety of skills. They are regarded as “poppies”, as if to suggest that they are merely around to look good and can’t provide the valuable insight  required for the profession. This inspires me to,  want to greatly contribute to the profession of Public Relations by assisting to eliminate the misconception and create a positive perception of the industry.

100 things I want to do before I die…


Before I die, I would like to do so many things. Some things I haven’t even decided on yet. But when I die I would like to know that I have lived a fruitful life. There are many things I’d like to explore and discover. Limiting myself to 100 just isn’t fair. But the number one activity on my bucket list is to visit Jamaica.  

What I wish I had done differently…


I wish I had studied directly after school! Fair enough, the two years of working made me more focused as a student to commence and successfully complete my studies. However the two years, gap year delayed my life. If I had commenced studying directly after school, I would’ve been finished with my studies by now.

What is the difference between existing and living?...

To exist is to conform and to be compliant to with society’s norms and expectations and to simply just be. Whereas living has to do with doing with makes you happy. Accepting not to conform to conventional expectations of society.  If society was the parent, existing is the obedient child and living would be considered the rebel.


The first time my heart was broken...

I will NEVER  forget the tormenting pain I experienced when I got my heart broken for the first time. Never in my life have I felt such an indescribable pain. When my long-term relationship ended in 2007, I rebelled against my world and went on a path of self-discovery. During the process, I eventually learned to let go…

My big fat dream....

My big fat dream is to win a couple of million rands and spend as much as I can the first week after winning the money. The aim is to “gaan bos” before financial advisory. I would to tour all nine provinces of South Africa with all my closest friends. Having parties on yachts, jumping on a plane whenever, staying at the best hotels and resorts, shopping for designer outfits as we go along. After this crazy week, would I then start investing money and donating money to charity organisations.

Somebody has to say it…


Construction criticism is the best way to develop and grow as an expert, in any field. The mentors selected to guide us, should by all means, sometime say it like it is in order to stimulate growth . Although it’s in your best interest to receive constructive criticism, it is not always easy being analysed all the time.